What Unai has done with this villa squad is a miracle, so I am not in the slightest bit upset with tonight. Sure, there are things to slag off but this season, wherever we end up, has surpassed our wildest expectations. There are several Villa players who will be replaced over the next two years or so, as Unai builds this club up. 4th, 5th or 6th, is a fantastic effort with this squad of players.
I really wish that the commentators wouldn't gush over Man City as if they don't have 115 charges against them.
Emi MartinezCashMingsKamaraRamseyBuendiaWatkinsAll unavailable due to injury/illnessMcGinn - suspendedDifficult to see what Unai could have done selectionwise.The only question I guess is why didn't Torres start. Apart from that, he was shuffling a very weak deck.