Games I remember......
Rotherham (h) 3-0 Our first win in such a long time it felt like a cup win and Rudy Gestede looked like a striker. Blues fans on Moor St platform after bravely trying to show their colours whilst surrounded by Villa.
1-0 Wigan. The worst game in history settled by a wonder goal stunner from Grealish in the last minute.
4-2 Norwich,.Hourihane hat trick
The game at Blues where they threw claret and blue clappers at our players.
4-1 vs Wolves and 3 straight home wins vs Blues
The final vs Fulham, a great day until actual kick off.
Being outplayed by Albion at home but beating them in the playoffs.
Derby at Wembley. Couldn't get a ticket for that one so telly had to suffice.
I generally enjoyed it, even the first year it was nice to win lots of games again even though we lost a few few. The following year we still won 24 games despite blowing it at Wembley.
It was fun but I never ever imagined five years on we would be where we are now. Thank you, Fulham x 2 and thank you Mr Emery.