i agree with the letter idea, not a complaint but the issues and questions raised on here. Regarding your attendance Dave, I think that we should have someone there even if that isn't you.
What about if the FAB try and meet without the club before each official meeting to develop a co-ordinated approach to the issues being raised?I know it’s difficult to get everyone together, but a virtual meeting on Teams a couple of nights before might help to get everyone pulling in the same direction.Maybe even if each time all the different reps could pick out and agree on one specific issue out of the agenda that they will not be letting go, and how they will go about doing that.
I'm not sure the club are taking us for a ride. They are meeting fans and explaining to some extent what they are doing. They're not really interested in fan opinions as they feel they know best.The reality is they want to increase income and some of the decisions to try to do that annoy many of us day to day fans. But they're going to do it anyway.They can't listen to every opinion. When you do that you end up with stuff like a lamp shaped badge and 50 different walk-out songs, mostly heavy metal and suggested by middle-aged forum dwellers. They would definitely move and never move, definitely knock down the North and keep the iconic stand. It's impossible.There's a clear direction of travel now. It's an amazing manager, Champions League and the best team we've seen in 40 years. It's also a big squeeze on day-to-day fans, reduced season ticket availability and less general sale too. The football is amazing and the increase in corporate a bit shit. Building the North would have solved a lot of the problems, but the cold hard numbers didn't stack up. I'm a bit pissed off, but excited for next season.They're still the best owners we've had in my lifetime.
Let's get tough. The time for talking is over. Call it extreme if you like, but I propose we hit them hard and hit them fast with a major, and I mean major, leaflet campaign, and while they're reeling from that, we'd follow up with a whist drive, a car boot sale, some street theatre and possibly even some benefit concerts.